4 Healthy Living Tips to Be Non-Stop in Summer 2022

Hot summer nights, and heatwaves after heatwaves. We, the usual with climate change! All in all, stressing our bodies. To best deal with this heat, what's better than sleeping with the windows open and no duvet, bedsheet or cover? After all, it is too hot to have anything on, right. The sad thing is that, it is the recipe for a cold, flu, or even something worse as the vid. 

I fell for these traps, and in spite of not catching COVID 19 since it hit the world. I found myself getting ill, and yes, it was the corona virus. 

The world is finally moving on, but covid is still in the air, plus the usual summer flu and colds. Personally, I have not caught any bugs in years and was, and perhaps, I wad a bit full of myself. Don't make the same mistake as myself!

These 4 tips have protected me throughout the whole pandemic and even the colder months. These are life savers.

Eat Real Food

On top of the list, is "Eat Real Food". Yes, real food, that is alive and brings healthy nutrients to your body. We are talking about real vegetables and fruits not the highly processed foods sold in supermarkets. Avoid the processed food isles and go straight to real foods, fresh wholesome foods. Your body needs real nutrients, not flavourings, colourings, and all the additives they put in the so called "food" they sell. 

By choosing to eat real foods, that are fresh and alive, you choose to give your body a myriad of nutrients. You should value micronutrients above the macros. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals. 

Vitamins and Minerals are essential to a healthy body and all its functions. Choose wisely!

When choosing your macros, go for the most nutrition packed foods first. Instead of bread choose sweet potato, it still gives you carbs but has more nutrients. Cut down white flours altogether, and add in vegetables before adding grains. 

More Vitamin C

Our body does not produce vitamin C, in fact it releases any excess of it. The body needs vitamin C, daily. The first option is to add foods that are rich in vitamin C, like lemons, limes, citrus fruits, melons, kiwi, bell peppers, and green leafy vegetables.  

If you do fall sick, up your vitamin C, it helps your imune system and will help you heal faster. 

Rest, Relax, Sleep

So why rest, relax and sleep? That is because they all influence each other and ultimately decrease stress. Stress has a tremendous impact on the imune system and overall health. Being stressed like you are being chased by a tiger all the time is not health promoting, on the contrary. 

By rest, relax and sleep I mean, good night sleep, relaxing whenever you notice you are under stress. Even just a couple of deep breaths is enough to switch from stress to relaxation. And finally, rest whenever possible. Rest, doesn't necessarily mean sleep, it mean taking time to calm down and enjoying the moment. 

All in all, relaxing and resting will improve the quality of your sleep.

Move, Move, and Move

Exercise, physical activity in general, has been connected to a healthy body and brings plenty of benefits to the immune system and body. However, physical activity does not necessarily mean HIIT, Tabata, or any other high intensity activity. To some people, high intensity exercises will increase stress in the body and not bring the benefits needed. To some, a relaxing physical movement is better in fact. 

Prioritise movement throughout the day. By movement, what we mean is to walk more, stand up, stretch, just make sure you are not sitting idle all day. Every hour or so, stand up and do a few squats, or jump in place, make sure you move and make your muscles work a bit. The muscles are the pumpers for the lymphatic system, which is responsible to clean up toxins from the body.

In Summary...

To have better heath, immune system, and body it is best to choose what your body needs:

  1. Eat real foods.
  2. Up your vitamin C, and have it daily.
  3. Rest whenever possible, relax when stressed, and have better night sleep.
  4. And finally, move more throughout the day!

Thank you for choosing to take care of yourself. 

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