Coaching vs Therapy

What is the difference between coaching and therapy? What is exactly coaching? How does coaching work? What makes coaching different from normal therapy? Can my coach also deal treat my mental illness?

These questions are very common and most people ask them, especially when starting their engagement and deciding whether to be coached or not. To better answer these questions we'll first define both practices and what they may include.


When it comes to therapy, there is a variety of approaches to the practice. 

According to Collins Dictionary therapy is:

Therapy is the treatment of someone with mental or physical illness without the use of drugs or operations.

Synonyms of therapy include psychotherapy, analysis, psychoanalysis 

When looking into what methods are used in therapy, these include different approaches accordingly to the theory of psychoanalysis followed by the therapist. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), psychoanalysis theories create roadmaps to "guides them through the process of understanding clients and their problems and developing solutions" which fall into five categories:

  • Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapies
  • Behaviour therapy
  • Cognitive therapy
  • Humanistic therapy
  • Integrative or holistic therapy

Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapies focus on the change of behaviours feelings and thoughts by analysing and finding what is at the root or the motivations and meaning behind them. Freud is one of the main influences on this approach.

Behaviour therapy focuses on learning behaviours. Some examples are conditioning, desensitizing, and cognitive-behavioural therapy which focuses on thoughts and behaviours.

Cognitive therapy emphasises is on that people think instead of their behaviour and action. 

Humanistic therapy believes that people have the "capacity to make rational choices" and reach their true potential. There are different approaches to this type of therapy, which includes client-centred therapy where the therapist is not an authority but focuses on the client. There is also Gestalt therapy that focuses on being here and now and taking responsibility. And also includes existential therapy that is based on the idea of free will. 

Integrative or holistic therapy is not tied up to one specific approach, instead, they may use any of the above and may even mix with other science and methods like occupational therapy, art therapy, RTT therapy, hypnotherapy, etc. 

In summary, therapy's main purpose is to treat some type of disease, physical or mental. 


The traditional term coaching is connected to sports coach which involved training in sports to perform better. However, the term has since been used outside sports and has expanded to more than just training to perform better.

The modern term coaching was first coined by Tony Robbins as he was helping people perform better in life and become their true potential. 

The ICF, Coaching Federation defines coaching as:

"...partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership."

Coaching focus on the development of the client or coachee with the guidance and support of the coach. 

The methodologies used in coaching can include a wide range of approaches, in fact, coaching also borrows techniques and tools from therapy. 

There are two great approaches, one focuses on bridging gaps between where the coachee is and where they want to be, thus working on goals. The second approach focuses on strengthening the client, hence focusing on the coachee's strengths instead of weaknesses. The second approach still defines goals, however, focuses on the strengths of the person instead of weaknesses. 

Some examples of coaching techniques include:

  • Wheel of Life
  • Moonshot Coaching Technique
  • Spheres of Influence Coaching Technique
  • Time Travel Technique
  • The Eisenhower Matrix Technique
  • Power Questions

The Wheel of Life is a tracking system for the client to have an overview of their life and where they are. This method guides the coachee through different areas of their lives and scores these areas. These go from the physical body to career, finances, and even relationships and spirituality.

Moonshot Coaching Technique is especially good for clients who have lost interest in life and have no clear goals in life or work. This technique helps find things that sparkle the coachee. 

The spheres of Influence Coaching Technique is usually used for clients who feel overwhelmed and need to feel in control again. The Sphere technique can be taken slowly and tailored to the client's need for a less demanding growth approach. 

Time Travel Technique helps the client visualise their life in the future and find what they truly want. 

The Eisenhower Matrix Technique is based on the idea that what is really important is not usually urgent, hence one needs to prioritise for effective time management and productivity. This is especially important when the client is procrastinating. 

Power Questions are used in many different fields like coaching, therapy, and even sales. Powerful questions are an integral technique in life, to being present and communicating with others. 

These are just some of the techniques used, however, there are many other techniques used in a coaching session. That being said, coaching, in general, focuses on how the client feels in the present and where they want to be in the future. And that is the biggest difference between therapy. 

Therapy vs Coaching

Overall the main difference between therapy and coaching is that coaching focus on the future. The focus of coaching is your future life, goals, and what you want to achieve. On the other hand, therapy looks into the past when things started. Therapy is best to deal with mental illness, traumas, PTSD, other mind-related illnesses and even physical illnesses that have an impact on the mind. Coaching is not equipped and is not a substitute for medical treatments.

Your coach may be able to help you biohack your body, change your lifestyle, and even transform your life, which may help you mentally or even with depression or anxiety. But this happens when depression or anxiety occurs because the client is not satisfied or fulfilled with their lives. If mental illness is a physical imbalance, then coaching may not be able to help, which is why seeing your doctor and a therapist can help you as a treatment. 

"We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with a coach can change your life, setting you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfilment." (ICF)

For a coachee that has a mental or a physical illness being coached and having a therapist may be a great approach to see further and faster results since the medical treatments will help your condition and coaching will guide you to achieving the life you want. Coaching and Therapy are complementary areas. 


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