Do you remember the good old days when you were a kid? When you were bold and just enjoyed life?

That is what Befriend Academy idea was born out off. Our mission is to make friends with life, and learn to dance with fear, to finally achieve a balanced life full of joy and fun.

Fear can hinder you and make you paralyzed. Overcoming the idea that fear is the enemy is the first step to breaking paralysis, your true enemy. You see, life will inevitably challenge all of us, and challenge is what brings progress and change. Otherwise, we would all stay the same without growing, hence without fulfilment. When you were a child you knew it well and played and danced with fear. All we want is to remind you of the joy of life, or as the French say joie de vivre.

Befriend Academy's mission is to work with clients who in face of fear want to be able to take the first steps in this dance and make the changes to grow and progress in life. Bringing transformation and change to your life and ultimately to the world. Our mission is to change the world one client at a time, because when your life is better you make changes in your world and bring change to the whole planet. Together we will create a joyful and fun world worth leaving to the future generation.

Our products, courses, group coaching, and 1-0-1 coaching all starts with this idea in mind, and answers the question of how to dance with fear, befriend the monsters, and achieve progress and reach your dream life.

To make this possible the team, and your coach, Iva Reis-Chaddock work directly with you on your goals. Be it life goals or wellness goals, reach out to us, sign-up to our newsletter to stay in touch, or book a free call to talk with your coach. We are here to help you succeed, find fulfilment, find joy and learn to dance with fear!