There are many different definitions of coaching. Coaching is a fairly new term that was frist used outside sports by Tony Robbins. But, all in all, a coach is someone who helps you make a change, define goals and achieving them.  A coach guides you through a journey, is someone who supports you through training. Please keep in mind that coaching is different from teaching, counselling, and therapy. Check our answer to what is the difference between coaching and therapy.
A coaching discovery call is a short call in which you get to talk to your coach and see if you resonate with each other. The coach will ask you different questions to understand your reality, what you want, where you are in life, and where you want to be. The coach will also try to understand why you want a coach and if you are open and commited to your goals.

A discovery call goal is to understand where you are in life and where you want to be, also why you want to be coached, and if you are open to change and committed to your why and dream or goals.
Overall the main difference between therapy and coaching is that coaching focus on the future. The focus of coaching is your future life, goals, and what you want to achieve. On the other hand therapy looks into the past, when things started. Therapy is best to deal with mental illness, traumas, PTSD, and other mind related illness. Coaching is not equiped and does not substitute medical treatments. 
Nutritional coaching helps you work on your mindset and belief systems related to your eating habits, nutritions, and physical goals. Nutritional coaching is best for goals related to health, physical body, weight loss, physical energy, diet, lifestyle, and healing.

Life coaching cover different areas of your life and helps you accross all the areas from career, finances, relationships, spiritaulity, self, growth, and more. That being said, a life coach won't work on diet plans, nutrition, etc. Your life coach may work on what are your goals for your body, creating a plan, etc. but not creating diet plans as a nutritional coach would. 
Change happens through two routes. The first route is when you decide you want to change and grow. You are committed to achieving the results you want.

The second way to change is when there are life challenges that force you to change, rather you want it or not. For example, physical illness, accidents, losses, etc.

Coaching helps you through transformation and to make it smoother and easier. Coaching also offers acocuntability, inner motivation, and changing mindset which will help you change.
What happens in a coaching session stays in the coaching session and it is not shared with anyone outside the session. The call and coach is confidential and will only share your information with your consent or in thesituations below.

That being said, the coaching agreement requests your consent that the information may be shared in case you or anyone is at risk. This information will only be sharedif you gave your consent in the coaching agreement, with exception to any situations that the coach is legally bound to share the information.

According, to the UK law the information may be shared with your GP or doctor in case you need medical support. Also, the UK law also request that the information may have to be shared if requested in court or by the police, this happens when you or other people are at risk, or the the person being coached is under investigations.

Our coaches are certified and are currently preparing to get the IC and European XXX memberships.

That being said, our coach Iva is trained and certified by Mindvalley in life coaching and 6 phase meditation. She is also currently training to be an RTT practitioner and a counsellor.

Our coach Lili, is currently training to be a nutritional coach by the XXX.
Ideally, it is best to be coached once a week to every 10 days. However, it is up to the client to book the coaching sessions and define what works best for them, The frequency of coaching sessions depends if you are in a growing or maintenance period.

When you are in a growing period you are actively working on goals to achieve results and the life you want. Once you achieve the life you want you will get into a maintenance period. You can either have a break from coaching but this may lead to losing momentum, or you may keep having coaching sessions as maintenance and choose to have the sessions less frequently. It is best to discuss with your coach what works best for you. 
Coaching sessions can take anything from 15 minutes to 2 hours in general, however, we offer 1-hour sessions.

Regarding, the coaching journey, it depends on the client, situation, and goals. We offer different packages starting from 3 months packages to over a year tailored packages. Please reach out and book a coaching call to better gauge what package may be best for you.
The coaching agreement is the contract you sign with your coach and BA. The contract defines what package you have acquired, what the package includes, what services will be provided, and what are the responsibilities of the client. The agreement also defines ethical standards, boundaries or rules to be respected, and confidentiality.  Hence the objective of the agreement is to prevent future disagreements that may arise because of ill behaviours of either parties. 
We would love to receive your feedback on why you want to end the coaching engagement. If it is for economical reasons we offer instalment plans that may take away the financial load.

If you want to cancel your coaching engagement because of time constraints, please contact your coach and discuss the possibility of putting the coaching on hold and for how long.

If you want to cancel your coaching for whatever other reason, please contact us with feedback. That being said, we do not offer refunds, you will have to wait till the end of your coaching agreement. 
For convenience we offer coaching virtually through zoom calls, WhatsApp calls, telegram calls, and Facebook calls. For any other options please let your coach know. Presencial coaching could be arranged only for local clients that live near the coach location.
Please read about our coaching process here
Please read about our method here. 
Please read about our coaching method here and our coaches here
Please read about our methodology here
Teaching, training and coaching are different from each other. The objectives and approaches of these are also different.

A teacher's goal is to pass on knowledge about a topic to someone who will then be assessed. The teacher does not work on the student's goal, the student works on the module and learning goals. The teacher focuses on the goals for the module and helps the student achieve these goals and learn the material. For example, school teachers and university professors have goals for the subject and deliver information to help the students meet these goals.

Training is similar to teaching but it is usually used in a more practice-based learning environment. Whilst, teaching can be very theoretical, training is usually more hands down to doing and practising what is learned. For instance, apprenticeship is based on practical learning where the student learns while on the job.

Coaching differs from the above methods in that it works on goals defined by the coachee or client. The goals are defined when working with the coachee. The coach does not define goals that the client has to follow, the coachee is the only person who can truly define the goals that you want in life. The coach also is not a teacher and the objective of the sessions is not to teach but to help the client see beyond their box and see other possibilities and how to achieve them.

However, a coach can also be a teacher and trainer and may offer teaching on different topics, these are usually offered separately and not within a coaching session. Within a coaching session, the coach may share experiences and stories that may help the client find solutions. Another thing the coach may offer is consulting, this is when the coach analyses the client's data and give possible solutions to solve problems and achieve the desired results. 
Mentoring is when someone experienced in something shares their experience to help the client. It does not necessarily involve coaching. Usually, the client has a goal and looks for someone, a role model, who has overcome the same challenges. The mentor who has overcome the same challenges the client is going through then offers tips, tricks, solutions and answers that will help the client achieve the same results. For example, our Coach Iva has endometriosis and has overcome the challenges of living with the disease. Also, our Coach Lili has overcome the challenges of having Helicobacter pylori. Hence, both our coaches also offer to mentor people who are struggling with these conditions.

In this instance, coaching is different from mentoring because the coach does not need life experience to coach the client. The coach just needs the coaching tools to help the client. Mentoring provides you with a shortcut to the desired outcome since the mentor has achieved what you desire. The coach will help you implement this solution, find what you desire, and other solutions. For better and faster results it is usually best to work with both. 
For starters, coaching has had a great impact on our coaches' lives. Our coaches decided to become coaches after seeing the impacts coaching had on their lives. Check out our articles and YouTube to find out more about how coaching impacted their lives.

On the other hand, coaching has many benefits. Some of the personal benefits of coaching include:

  • The ability to establish and take actions
  • The ability to establish and set goals 
  • becoming more self-reliant
  • more fulfilment
  • more life and work satisfaction
  • being more productive 
  • communicate more effectively
  • having more clarity 
  • and the list continues
There are also many benefits for organisations, which include:

  • increases employee engagement
  • improves performance
  • helps identify room for improvement and development
  • helps motivate and empower staff
  • etc.
In fact, there are many studies that have shown what are the benefits of coaching. You can find links to the studies below:

Before you hire a coach you will have a first call with the coach, a discovery call. In this call, you and the coach get to know each other, and the coach gets to know what are your goals, what you want to achieve, and also if you are a match. Once you take the coaching package that best suits your needs you will start your journey.

The coaching journey starts with your first real session, in your first session you dive deeper into what you want, to know where you are now and where you want to be. After defining the starting point and the goals you choose your priorities and start working on these goals.

The coach will then guide you through your initial goals and help you navigate your life and implement actions to achieve these goals. This process takes however long the client needs, and also how committed they are. 
The pricing for coaching depends on the coach and package. Different coaches have different fees. BAs fees are based on results, hence we offer packages that may best suit the goals defined. 
By creating a safe place and space for the client to explore their thoughts, feelings and desires the coach helps the client set their goals, create plans and commit to taking action. That being said, the results depend on the client's commitment to taking action. Whilst, the coach helps the client to set goals and plans, the actions can only be taken by the client, and results are fully dependent on the actions taken. The Law of attraction is great but without taking action nothing will manifest, the client must take action to put themselves in the right place at the right time to take the opportunity needed to manifest. 
Good coaching does not create dependency. Through coaching the client learns how to set goals, create action plans, manage their emotions and take actions. That being said, most people keep their coaching engagement because as humans we need to grow and progress to fill fulfilled. Hence, there is always a new goal we want to achieve, and that is where your coach supports you. Another benefit of having coaching sessions is accountability, which helps motivate the client to take action and achieve results.
Good coaching is not dangerous, because a coach is not meant to tell you what to do. Your coach may give you suggestions but these are up to the client to follow or not. Any suggestions given are more on a consultancy or mentoring basis and not coaching. Coaching itself is not meant to give suggestions or solutions to the client, but to guide the client to find the best solutions for themselves, hence not creating dependancy. 
NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is a tool that can be used in coaching to help the client make changes. NLP is one of the many tools that can be used in coaching.