Are you awaiting for a pelvic laparoscopy?

Now is time to prepare and raise your body's healing and recovery abilities!
You are getting a laparoscopy, maybe to get a diagnosis, or perhaps to treat pain or infertility.

Like you, I used to suffer from endometriosis stabbing, throbbing, pulsing pain.

There were so many symptoms, and to get a diagnosis I had to bring in the pre-diagnosis to the doctor. 

After twenty years of pain I finally got a diagnosis, but without any cure. After six years I decided to have the laparoscopy. Sadly, having a laparoscopy during covid meant long waiting times. 

The waiting is disheartening when we are in pain. Waking up and living in pain without having anyone to turn to and no date to look forward to is taxing on our emotional and mental health as well.

Perhaps you are you in a similar situation!?

Are you waiting for a surgery date and have no clue when is that going to be?

Do you feel lost without knowing what to expect?

Are you worried and anxious about the procedure because of several online stories of how laparoscopy ruined someone's life?

Are you having laparoscopy as a pain treatment? Or perhaps as a fertility treatment? Or maybe this is your diagnostic laparoscopy?

Are you afraid that you will have to have several laparoscopy on the course of your fertile age?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then this course is for you and will help you not only prepare for the operation, but also empower your body to heal faster as well as manage your symptoms while you are waiting.

I have been where you are and even though I knew I should keep calm, I was still getting anxious by the day. That is when I decided to work on my body to prepare for the laparoscopy and faster recovery. 

I created the Befriend Endo Laparoscopy Recovery Protocol to help prepare and heal faster while managing the symptoms. 

Due to covid, I had no idea when my operation day would be. I was so grateful I adopted the protocol. Otherwise, I would have been lost without any information.

Thankfully, by the laparoscopy day, I was mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually prepared. 

After a long waiting time I had my laparoscopy and was discharged. Once at home I understood the stories about laps and gas pain. Once again, I was so grateful that I was prepared and that I could recover faster without taking all the painkillers prescribed. 

The protocol started two months before the surgery and lasted throughout the recovery month. The 3 months protocol supports you on your journey.

The course is a three months self-tested protocol based on science, my experience, and that of other women. The course will help you overcome worry and anxiety before the operation while learning to trust your doctors and their team, knowing what to expect and how to prepare your body with all it needs.

What you will get from this Bootcamp:  

  • Understand and know what to expect from a laparoscopy. 

  • Finally, understand what endometriosis is and how it impacts your overall health. 

  • Learn the different ways to be diagnosed and decide if laparoscopy is for you. 

  • Step by step guide on how to prepare for a quicker recovery with minimal pain. 

  • Get insights into what to expect from the laparoscopy day and how to prepare for it. 

  • Have a clear idea of How many days to take off work and enhance your healing while minimising discomfort or pain. 

  • Prepare questions to ask on your follow up appointment. 

  • A special bonus session on how to manage your endometriosis afterwards. 

  • Q & A and maybe a surprise.


Laparoscopy Bootcamp:

  • Module 0: Welcome to Befriend Endo Academy
Intro to the bootcamp and what to expect from the course.
  • Module 1: Empower Yourself and Steel Your Mind
Work on your mindset and prepare yourself to make the best of the placebo effect and a stress free life.
  • Module 2: Awaken Your Inner Wonder-Woman
  Finally understand how your body, your cycle and healing work so you can use your true powers.
  • Module 3: Get Clear on What to Expect from the Whole Journey to Laparoscopy
Understand what a laparoscopy is and what to expect from it.
  • Module 4: Step by Step Guide to Faster Healing
A complete guide to nail your journey to laparoscopy and heal from it in no time. This is more than a list of supplements and foods. It includes how to communicate with your doctors, how to choose your doctor, and even how to pack your hospital bag. It is an extensive and complete guide.
  • Course Workbook with all the exercises done in the course
  • Meditations to help work on your mindset and emotions

Bonus Material:

  • Bonus 1: Pocket Guide with all the steps you need to take daily to best prepare for the surgery and manage your symptoms. This is a digital journal that you can carry on your phone with the steps and space to write down as well.
  • Bonus 2: Getting diagnosed without a laparoscopy
In this bonus course, find how to get diagnosed and if you can get your diagnosis without a laparoscopy. The bonus course goes further to help you understand if a laparoscopy is aligned with what you want.
  • Bonus 3: Managing and Treating your Endometriosis after the Laparoscopy
This bonus will help you take measures to manage and cope with endometriosis. Learn the top tips to what you can do after the laparoscopy. This includes medical treatments available, endo diet and other things that will help you deal with your symptoms and minimise the frequency of surgeries.
  • Bonus 4: Live Q&A 
Enjoy a Q&A session where you can get your questions answered.

Hi, I am Iva, and like you, I suffered from endometriosis pains for many years. In my case, for two decades, yes 20 whole years before I was pre-diagnosis 6.5 years ago. Back in 2015 I decided not to have any surgery, but in 2019 I accepted to have a laparoscopy as a fertility treatment. Sadly, having a laparoscopy last year, 2020, during covid meant a long waiting time and not having the same support that usually would be given. 

Thanks to my Laparoscopy Protocol I was able to prepare mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. My previous protocol helped me, but because of experiencing the laparoscopy during covid I was able to better my protocol. The course is the new protocol and all the information we need to know how to prepare mentally, physically and emotionally.


Because of COVID19 effects on the health care system and the current long waiting times, we are happy to offer this special deal with bonus sessions to help you deal with endometriosis while you wait for the surgery, to get diagnosed without a laparoscopy, a pocket guided book with all you need daily to prepare for the surgery, as well as a webinar to manage your endo after the operation. If that was not enough, we also added a live Q&A session where you can get your questions answered.

Laparoscopy Bootcamp - 3 Months Programme 
Course Workbook included in the bootcamp 
Meditations as Extras included in the course

Pocket Guide with daily must Dos to prep for the surgery

Live Q&A get your questions answered


This course is for you if you are motivated and will put it into practice. The course is not a quick fix but a process that will require you to put the work in if you want a swift recovery. 

This course is not for you if you are not motivated or committed or someone who does not follow through. The protocol is not a magic pill. It is a guide to support your body and treatments if you implement it.

The results will depend on your actions and your unique case and body.

Thank you for choosing Befriend Endo Academy, and good luck with your laparoscopy, my endo friend. I look forward to hearing your story and how the course helped you. 

If you have any questions, drop them in the Facebook group and Instagram @befriendendo


If you had your laparoscopy more than 2 weeks ago, then join the tribe and watch out for our quarterly challenges to help us heal. You can also, sign up to the Newsletter and get the tips you need to have a fulfilling life despite endometriosis. 

Health care disclaimer: The information contained in this course is not intended to take the place of personal medical advice. Please consult with your doctor on all aspects of laparoscopy, the suggestions in the course, and how to prepare for and healing from the operation in the best way.