
BA offerss a variety of courses and masterminds to to help you find your answers and reach your goals. We offer different type of courses, some are not always available, please sign up to our newsletter to get notifications when a course, event or mastermind is about to open.

Courses currently available:

7 Small Steps to Your Dream Life

This is our starter course and it is specially designed to help you look into your life and kick start your transformation. It is a free course that we offer to all our clients so thye can start their journey to their dream life. Sign up to our newsletter to receive access to the course.

Female Pelvic Laparoscopy Bootcamp

This course is for women who suffer with endometriosis, fibroids, PCOs, and other female health issues and is starting the journey through a laparosopic diagnosis or treatment. The course helps you learn more about endometriosis, the surgery, and lifestyle habits for a faster recovery and maintenance after the surgery.

Find out more about this course.

Living a Great Life with Endometriosis

This course is currently being developed and designed. It is designed to the 1 in 10 suffering with endometriosis. For the endo warriors who want to build a great life inspite of endometriosis. The course runs once a year, and we would love to know what would you like to see in the course, please contact us sharing your story with endometriosis and to request more information and sign up to our newsletter to get notified when it starts.

Healthy Lifestyle Habit Creation and Maintenance

This course is comming up in September and it is for you, if you want to change your lifestyle for the better to:

Lose weight

Gain more vitality and energy

Start and keep working out/ exercising

To change your diet

To become Vegan

To become Keto

To change to a natural wild human diet

To finally get great night sleep

To detress and relax

To become healthy

Please contact us to request more information and sign up to our newsletter to get notified of its starting date.

6 Steps to a Happy Life

This is a 6 weeks course that guides you through building a happy life following the 6 phases 6 phase meditationand altering states of mind. The course incorporates:

Love and Compassion

Grattitude and Appreciation


Life of your Dreams

Day Design

Intention Setting

Please contact us to request any information or sign up to our newsletter to stay in touch. 

6 Phase Meditation Habit Building

Also, based on the 6 phase meditation, this course is a 6 weeks course to build the habit of meditation.  

Please contact us to request any information or sign up to our newsletter to stay in touch. 

Catarsis 6 Phase 

This course is a mastermind session guiding you through a catartic meditation and session that includes compassion, appreciation, forgiveness, dream life, perfect day and intention setting.

Please contact us to request any information or sign up to our newsletter to stay in touch. 

Gaining Clarity

This course is a mastermind session guiding you through different tools that can help you gain clarity on what you really want for your life.

Please contact us to request any information or sign up to our newsletter to stay in touch. 

We have more mastermind and courses coming up, stay connected. If you have a pressing matter you need coaching on, book a free call to chat with our coaches.